HMSM Alumni Platform Privacy Policy


General Authorisation to Process Personal Data


By using this platform you agree to the terms and conditions, and authorise the Hotel Management School Maastricht (HMSM) to process your data from our existing database and data you provide on the platform in accordance with the Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) ‘General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)’. Your data is stored on servers in the EU and will not be shared with third parties.


There are two aims of this platform why we process personal data. One is for HMSM alumni to be able to network, find each other, reunite, and follow each other’s careers. To profit from this network you need to activate your profile by signing up. The other purpose is alumni register, we keep a record of everyone who has ever graduated from HMSM which allows us to conduct statistical analysis that will enable us to continuously improve our education, market insight, and reputation, to help our students flourish, and allow prospective students make good choices.


To activate your profile we require some mandatory fields of data: contact details, your location and nationality and if applicable your track and a confirmation if you were part of the international stream. On a voluntary base you can provide us with data about your former and further education, your career path, current position, skills and interests.


If you do not activate your profile we keep your record for historic reasons. Your basic record contains your name, gender and start study and year of graduation and (if available) contact details and birth date.

As inactive user you are not searchable/visible for users, only to the admins of the alumni office.


Note that, after signing up (activating your profile), you can still choose

  • NOT to be contacted by other members of the network (i.e. no one can message you) in “My settings”
  • NOT to display any or some of your contact details in “My profile”
  • To withdraw your consent (means your profile get status ‘deactivated’ and you are disconnected from the network)


Besides the fact that we aim to keep a record of everyone who had ever graduated from HMSM we would like to register your involvement with the school to keep our community complete. If admins of the alumni office complete your profile regarding your support to the HMSM (e.g. if you have given a guest lecture), you will receive a notification and you can always remove changes in your profile. The way you support HMSM is NEVER visible for the network only for you and admins.


We process all data you have provided us with including your contact details, your location, former and further education, your career path, current position, skills, and interests. We process all data you have provided us with including your contact details, your location, former and further education, your career path, current position, skills, and interests.


We process your data for several activities. For example: We use your data (contact details) to send you the annual Fundament magazine. We use your data (education and experience fields, live location) for analysis to provide insights for the accreditation committee. We use your data (headline, education fields, live location) to find guest lecturers, advisors for committees and traineeships. We use your data (education profile, career profile, LinkedIn profile, live location) for analysis purposes, which allows us to conduct statistical analysis that will enable us to continuously improve our education, market insight(s), and reputation. These analysis can be done by a research centre of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences. In any case we make sure your data is stored safely and in accordance with the AVG.


Note that, after signing up, you can choose

•         NOT to receive the annual Fundament magazine

•         NOT to receive the quarterly e-fundament newsletter

•         NOT to receive information about official events (such as reunions, parties, etc.)


Data will not be shared with third parties, unless you explicitly agree that you want to be contacted by Amphitryon, in which case your e-mail can be shared with them.


On a yearly basis we will ask to update your personal profile through an update campaign. In case of an update of our privacy policy and our terms and conditions you will receive a request to check your notification settings. Data will be kept until you decide for it to be deleted or when you withdraw your consent.


In accordance with the AVG you have the right to review, alter or delete any data we keep on you.


If you have any questions about privacy or would like us to change settings for you, do not hesitate to contact us!


Alumni Office
Hotel Management School Maastricht


Hotel Management School Maastricht

Bethlehemweg 2

6222 BM Maastricht

T: +31 (0)43-3528282

E:  [email protected]